Fitur D3D Menu:
[-] WallHack
[-] No Fog
[-] No Smoke
[-] Holvest CT
[-] Holvest Tero
[-] Damage Auto On 20%
[-] Replace
- Knife
- Smoke
- Pistol
Note* Cheat does not work that is trial runs out
Created By : EzrA
[-] Replace
- Knife
- Smoke
- Pistol
Note* Cheat does not work that is trial runs out
Created By : EzrA
If the download menu does not appear at the bottom of this herb
↓ ↓
[-] D3DX9_41.dll (Save In System32 & Folder PB)
[-] D3DX9_41.dll (Save In System32 & Folder PB)
[-] D3DX9_43.dll (Save In System32 & Folder PB)
[-] Msvcr100.dll (Save In System32 & Folder PB)
[-] Msvcp100.dll (Save In System32 & Folder PB)
[-] D3DX9_42.dll (Save In System32)
[-] Msvcr100d.dll (Save In System32)
[-] Msvcp100d.dll (Save In System32)
[-] Msvcr80.dll (Save In System32)
[-] Msvcr100d.dll (Save In System32)
[-] Msvcp100d.dll (Save In System32)
[-] Msvcr80.dll (Save In System32)
[-] Vcredist_x86.exe (Instal)
Untuk Windows 7 :
- Klik kanan run as cheat
- Klik kanan run as pb Launcher
- Start pb
- Happy chain killer
Untuk Windows 7 :
- Klik kanan run as cheat
- Klik kanan run as pb Launcher
- Start pb
- Happy chain killer
NB : Budayakan sebelum memakai cheat dari blog ini atau dari blog luar atau dari forum2 harap di scan dulu injector nya dengan virus total, apa bila hasil scan menuliskan ada Spy, Keylogger. lebih baik jgn di buka cheat nya hapus saja.
Tutor Scan Cheat Dengan Virus Total :
- Klik Browse
- Klik My Document, Folder download, pilih injector yang di
Di download tadi biar di scan, lalu klik submit,
tunggu proses scaner berlangsung
Scan Cheat :
Tutor Scan Cheat Dengan Virus Total :
- Klik Browse
- Klik My Document, Folder download, pilih injector yang di
Di download tadi biar di scan, lalu klik submit,
tunggu proses scaner berlangsung
Scan Cheat :
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